8 October - 24 November, 2022
Shieldfield Art Works
A COMMUNITY OF OBJECTS brought together many personal items to create an incomplete portrait that would represent the diversity of people who live, work, or play in the residential neighbourhood of Shieldfield.
The portrait grew throughout the exhibition period, with objects arriving each week, and only becoming complete in it’s final week.
In addition to the amassed collection of objects the exhibition also included a selection of video clips from the North East Film Archive as well as a teaser trailer for the forthcoming film 100 People: A Portrait of Co-Existence.
Archive clips were chosen dependent on themes relevant to Shieldfield, including: work, social life, family life, politics, and architecture.
Daniel Hamilton: ‘The Uses of Literacy’ by Richard Noggart (book)
Somebody told me it was ok to have value about things around me - film, books, magazines - and they had read this book. It’s ok to be working class (maybe it has greater value than high culture - it’s not deficent. My experiences are not deficent).
Leah Clements: Steve Gilbert (from Barry)
Steve is the Chill Studios office mascot and an example of fine taxidermy. I don’t agree with taxidermy, and I don’t actually like Steve, but I could never get rid of him. I especially hate his few remaaining toes.
Kaltouma Hassaballah: Serving Bowl (from Sudan, esp. Darfur)
This is special for me. Bringing people together. Memory.
Chilli Studios: Red print jacket of the ‘Print King’
This worn and handed down to artists who support our print group at Chilli Studios. It includes lots of marks and layers of creative splatter through the years of use.
Jenny McNamara: Coins (mixed)
1x Irish Millenium Punt, 1x girl gardening, 1x olympic athletics, 1x house cat. I like coins because they mark a moment in time. Who decides what is important enough to be on the money? The girl gardening is my favourite because it’s an everyday scene and I would like to see more of those on our money.
Teresa Kelly: The Maiden Mary
Alison Wilkinson: Botswana Wall Decoration (Basket)
I was born in Botswana and this object was agift from people I met when I visited in 2020. Father Allan from Christ Church Shieldfield is the link person for the Newcastle Diocese with Botswana. Through meeting Father Allan I had the opportunity to spend two months teaching Gabarone, Botswana. I met people my father had taught over 50 years ago when he was a teacher there. This object remnds me of the gift of friendship - friendship with Father Allan, and friendship with the amazing people I met and worked with in Botswana in 2020.
Evripidis Karydis: Silly looking Ducky doll
This is the first toy I won with my ex-girlfriend at a fun fair. It reminds me of the bond and the love we shared.
Ceitidh Macleod: A set of old Cello strings
They are the core of where the music I make comes from. Familiar since I was small.
Ken Bee: Pine Cones and Pine Seeds
Shieldfield nature wonders, however got taken.
Colin Gray: Photos
They show a slight downside to the area.